Myra Schwartz Pipe Series



This portfolio page displays necklaces using a variety of antique

Tobacciana as focal beads, including antique cigarette holders,

pipes, cheroot and cigar holders of various materials.

Prices are marked beside each title. Full price list available:

All content on this website is copyrighted ©2020 by Myra Schwartz.

You may not reproduce any part without permission.

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”

- J.C. Pearce

© myra schwartz

© myra schwartz

© myra schwartz

© myra schwartz

Email for questions, orders or to receive show/sale dates

© 2009-2023 All content on this website is copyrighted by Myra Schwartz. All rights reserved.

You may not reproduce any part of this website without permission.